Peach Consultancy

HAVCO (Haringey CVS)

We were commissioned to formally evaluate and provide an Evidence and Impact Report for HAVCO’s Basis II “Evaluate Learn and Sustain” programme focussing on 3 strands: Quality Assurance & Compliance, Partnership & Procurement and Information and Communications.

HAVCO is the umbrella organisation (or Council for Voluntary Service) for the voluntary and community sector in Haringey. HAVCO fulfils a number of strategic leadership functions for the voluntary and community sector:

• Influence: gaining greater recognition of the VCS agenda and influence on local policy
• Partnership: establish more effective networking and collaboration within the VCS and between the sector and its partners
• Services: improving the capacity, quality and standards of infrastructure support to members

HAVCO also hosts Haringey Volunteer Centre, and through this arrangement performs a similar strategic leadership role in respect of volunteering policy and practice in Haringey.